Give Him Just One

Women.  (Speaking to the gals—guys, you can peek in, this is for you too). We are used to multi-tasking.  Having our minds and lives firing in five or more directions all at the same time. When we find ourselves overloaded, what do we tend to do, and do well?  We criticize ourselves. We list the “Didn’t get dones… I failed yet again… who do I think I am?”

I am reminded of a time, years ago, when I sat amongst a small group of gals in a bible study setting. In that discussion time, we shared our goals for the study. There was a mother of four (FOUR) small, YOUNG, needing her attention—children.  In her frustration and complete weariness, she shared in depth about not having enough time for devotions and her bible study. She was exhausted. She felt defeated. She was basically giving up, to where she hadn’t opened her Bible in some time.  Those in the group (with kind motive) kept trying to help with creative ways to carve out enough time. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier, use paper plates, when they sleep…” This young mom was nearly in tears. I just sat and listened. These are all good—disciplined goals. Yet they were more worried about the quantity of time, rather than the quality.

I finally leaned forward and looked the young gal in the eyes. Lovingly and tenderly asked, “Could you look at just ONE verse each day or one verse for the whole week?” She stopped talking. So did the others.  Silence.  Reading their expressions, yet not verbalizing out loud, “This gal is NUTS! One stinkin verse?  THAT is NOT enough! I will get behind! I must get through that one-year reading plan, gotta get my homework done! Gotta write in my journal!”

This attitude belongs to many of us.  How many of us, too, feel defeated and allow our God time to slip, slip away because we can’t keep up with the quota.  Please know that Mr. and Mrs. Jones next door may be struggling with the same thing.

I then shared with the small group that it’s not the quantity of time with God and His word that is important, it is the quality. If you have just enough time to read one verse—then the baby cries, or the dog is having a fit at the front door or milk is split, or you realize you forgot to put the clothes in the dryer—three days ago.  Then take that ONE verse, WHILE you are cleaning up the milk and holding the crying baby.  Ask Holy Spirit to speak to you about that verse. You, God, His word.  Quality time indeed. Listen—listen for HIS application, throughout the day, throughout the week.  If need be, at the beginning of the week, jot down that verse on a 3×5 card, tape it to the mirror in the bathroom. Even though you may have a parade of offspring following you in there, READ it aloud.  Again, and again. Week after week. Before you know, with each new verse, the mirror will frame you with His word!

Don’t get me wrong I am ALL OVER Bible study (I am a bible study teacher) BUT there are seasons, seasons when time captures us. Seasons even with discipline, our life, our arms are full. Remember, God spoke the universe into place with His word, He can decorate your heart with the same. One verse?  Enough? Yes. Yes, it is with the Holy Spirit “leading you into all truth” (John 16:13).

During that moment of silence with the gals, I shared I often carry a tattered memory verse in my pocket. I once spent days just on Thomas’ “my Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Knowing the context (key) I thought about it. I said it. I pictured it and I prayed it.  Just five words. It was amazing.*  The gals just sat there and stared at me. (I was shocked that they allowed me to sit at their table the following week).

God knows us, knows our heart. He knows YOU.  For some of us whose season (seasons change) doesn’t allow for hours or minutes of quiet time alone. DO NOT stress!  Don’t feel condemned. If we can give Him just ONE verse, HIS word, He can and will minister to us. It can be amazing.

Give Him just one.

* Thomas’ declaration: Interesting, Jesus waited a week to show Thomas His scars (See John 20:19-29, while He offered and showed the others previously).  Huge revelation for Thomas of Jesus’ Lordship. The narrative doesn’t say it, but I believe Thomas may have fallen to his knees, the revelation, the declaration of Deity “my Lord and my God” compared only to Peter’s “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16). Worship is confessing our revelation of Jesus. In word and deed. Game changer! Sometimes Jesus waits. Waits for the best opportunity for a life changing revelation—for our growth and His glory (See Jesus raising Lazarus – John 11). 

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