Don’t Sabotage

I once heard the story of a study group of Rabbinical Hebrew students, as the session came to a close, one student handed a friend a black book and said, “Read this and tell me what you think.” Later that evening the friend remembered the book. Reaching for it, he sat down. Opening it, he began to slowly read. Immediately frustrated, he stopped reading. After a quick pause, he looked down and began again. This time, he rose and said out loud, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. PERIOD” He exclaimed with great conviction, “No!  He’s not finished yet!” 

The black book he was reading was the English King James Bible.

You see the original Hebrew manuscripts had no chapter or verse divisions, and no punctuation as well.  It was/is custom and tradition to read until the action or thought was complete.  In this case, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” (no period) they would have read on through to “…By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work (Genesis 2:2). I so appreciate the focus.

By principle, how often do we too attempt to put a period (completing an action or thought) where God is NOT finished yet.

What may seem to be a mess to us—God is still working. 

Recently I have taken up walking again for exercise, but as I get a block away from the house, I find I have a slight limp. In 2021 I experienced a fall that tore my hamstring.  It wasn’t just a bruise, or strain or sprain. It tore.  Painfully, black and blue, couldn’t walk—tear!  It was such an impressive tear the orthopedic surgeon had to get an associate to come and look, turning my appointment into an instant show and tell.

After a time in the wheelchair and camping out downstairs in our living room with my husband, I began physical therapy.  My therapist said something to me as she watched me walk across the room, I will never forget.  “Stand up straight. Don’t limp. I know it may hurt, but you need to train the muscle to work the way it was designed.” Even though it may not have healed correctly or completely, as I walk today, I am not faking it as I focus on this, I am “faithing” it. Assured there is healing in the training.

So, it is with life. I am learning there may be incomplete or incorrect areas that need healing.  God isn’t finished yet. Paul wrote, “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6, emphasis mine). Genuine spiritual progress is rooted in what God has done, is doing, and will do.1

Believe Him. 

Don’t stop short. May we not attempt to put a period where God is not finished yet or attempt to sabotage our healing because it is too much work and too painful. 

God is still working. 

Yet, He’s counting on us doing our part as well. I can almost hear His whisper as He watches our walk, “Stand up straight. By faith, don’t limp. I know it may hurt, but you need to train and follow My design.”  

In Him, DeDe (“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love & good deeds” – Hebrews 10:24).

The above is an excerpt of my recent teaching when I had the honor of speaking to the women of Abundant Life Center in Jefferson, Oregon.


1 ESV commentary on Philippians 1:6

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