Not There yet? Where’s There? (Comparison)

In conversations, we share life with others. We share our joys, our sorrows, our experiences. Have you noticed in these, we too develope our … comparisons. We mask them with a slight shrug of the shoulder and personal confessions of “I’m not there yet.” Not there yet? Where? There is the carrot and we are forever running after it, we keep it tied in front of us. But THERE it is. We are here, and NOT there. We want to do and be something other than we currently are. “They are!”


I am learning that whatever, wherever ‘there’ is, it is not up to others to criticize or define it for me. Family, friends, the church, yes they are a voice in my life, I honor, respect and consider their input. However, my there can only be found in God. So the one in the back row can hear it again, “Our there, our goal of growth is ONLY found in God.” The sad thing about the not there yet concept? We fail to live in the NOW! The road is so long.  Face it, we will continue to be, ‘not’ something. Not thin, smart, rich, fit, strong, not happy, healthy, beautiful, unselfish … enough. The list is vast. We are continually discouraged in the dressing room of life, trying on things that don’t fit (yet)  Please note, I am not negating discipline. If it is in our means to change, to grow effectively, with Jesus’ help, may we do so.

Remember the story of Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian servant girl. Poor gal. She was just being obedient. She was told to go to Abe’s tent, um… etc. (See Genesis 16) Following this, where did she find herself? In the thick of life. Sarah became jealous and mistreated her. Hagar was hurt, frustrated, and confused, unable to process it all, she takes off, running away. God found her, where she was. He called her by name, it wasn’t “Hey you over there, you – the one with the bad attitude, yup the one who didn’t get it right!” He called her by name, “Hagar.”

God being God, asked her “Where have you come from and where are you going? By asking this question, (He already knew) they are now in the moment. It is God’s invitation, the initiation to process through the ‘stuff’ with Him. She shares her stuff, God proceeds to encourage her with His promises. I love how she wraps up her time with God, she calls Him, El Roi, (El- ro-ee) “You are the God who sees me, for I have now seen the One who sees me.”

The next time we are tempted to believe the LIE when we look at others and think since we are not yet there, (Examining their …season of life, maturity, positions, titles, strengths & gifting) thinking we are not good enough. Stop comparing, instead, focus on here and now, where God sees us! He calls us by name. Yes, He wants us to grow and go there, (HIS there) but He loves and accepts us where we are NOW. May we not only strive to be ‘there’, continuing to grow in and through our weakness to be like Him, but may we experience the ‘God who sees me.’ The God who extends love, grace, mercy, and strength.

Loved one, listen for El Roi, the God who says, lovingly, “I see YOU!” I see you NOW, who you are NOW, what you are NOW, I am the God of your NOW!” Stop, and engage with Him NOW! Your goal is not only there, but here, now.

Where are you going?

In Him, DeDe (“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love & good deeds” – Heb. 10:24)

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